
 Mission work is vital to the ministry of the church. The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, understood mission work as a necessary response to belief in Jesus, and we take that understanding seriously at Rockbrook. “Mission” means many things, but at its heart, mission is the word we use for how Jesus instructs us to care for one another–for people and for all creation, in the church and outside of it.

That means a few different things for us at Rockbrook. First, we believe churches ought to be communities of mutual support. Through prayer, education, worship, and more, we are committed to consistent forms of care for our members. We also know how to show up for one another when life gets hard. We could all use extended networks of care to survive and thrive.

Missions at Rockbrook include United Women in Faith, library care, worship, neighbor care, education, prayer, sanctuary care, hospitality, and unified board service.

Second, we believe that we are called to extend this same care to our neighbors. Rockbrook is big on mercy work. Through ongoing relationships with local organizations like The Stephen Center, All People’s Pantry, and Pearl Pantry, we ensure a sustained investment in our neighbors. We are also a church that will rise to the occasion when called upon by our community, and a lot of our mission work is strongly projected-oriented. When we see a need, we do our best to figure out how to meet it.

Mission has always been an important ministry in United Methodism, and Rockbrook is proud to carry on that tradition. In Wesley’s words: “Do all the good you can, in all the places you can, to all the people you can.”

To know more or to get involved please contact us here.